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XiaoPan (English) WiFi Crack (WPA-PSK)


XiaoPan (English) WiFi Crack (WPA-PSK)

XiaoPan (English) WiFi Crack (WPA-PSK)

XiaoPan OS is a Linux-based operating system that allows users to perform wireless security testing and penetration testing. It is based on Tiny Core Linux and includes a number of advanced hacking tools to crack WPA / WPA2 / WPS / WEP wireless networks.

XiaoPan OS is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux systems and can be installed and booted from a USB pen drive or a virtual machine. Some of the tools included in XiaoPan OS are Inflator, Aircrack-ng, Minidwep GTK, XFE, wifite and feeding bottle. It also supports various wireless cards that can operate in monitor mode and injection mode.

XiaoPan (English) WiFi Crack (WPA-PSK) is a version of XiaoPan OS that has been modified to include a fixed version of Reaver, a tool that exploits a vulnerability in the WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) protocol to recover the WPA / WPA2 passphrase of a wireless router. Reaver can crack the WPA / WPA2 passphrase in a matter of hours or even minutes, depending on the strength of the passphrase and the signal quality.

To use XiaoPan (English) WiFi Crack (WPA-PSK), you need to download the ISO file from one of the sources below and burn it to a CD or write it to a USB drive. Then you need to boot your computer from the CD or USB drive and select Xiaopan OS from the boot menu. Once Xiaopan OS is loaded, you can launch Reaver from the menu or the terminal and follow the instructions to crack the WPA / WPA2 passphrase of your target network.

Download sources


OpenSea[^1^] [^3^]

Xiaopan Forums[^6^]

Using Reaver

Reaver is a command-line tool that requires some parameters to run. The most important ones are the interface name and the BSSID of the target network. You can find these information by using a tool like Airodump-ng or Minidwep GTK, which are also included in Xiaopan OS.

For example, if your wireless interface is wlan0 and the BSSID of the target network is 00:11:22:33:44:55, you can run Reaver like this:

reaver -i wlan0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55

This will start the brute-force attack on the WPS PIN of the target network. Reaver will try different combinations of the PIN until it finds the correct one. Once it does, it will display the WPA / WPA2 passphrase of the network.

You can also use some optional parameters to customize Reaver's behavior. For example, you can use -c to specify the channel of the target network, -vv to increase the verbosity level, -d to set a delay between PIN attempts, -N to skip the NACK check, -L to ignore locks, and -K to enable Pixie Dust attack. You can see the full list of parameters by typing reaver --help.

Protecting your network from Reaver

The best way to protect your network from Reaver and other WPS attacks is to disable WPS on your router. WPS is a feature that allows users to connect to a wireless network by pressing a button or entering a PIN, but it also introduces a security flaw that can be exploited by attackers. If you don't use WPS, you should turn it off on your router's settings.

If you can't disable WPS on your router, you should at least change the default WPS PIN to a random one. The default WPS PIN is usually printed on a label on the router or in the manual, and it can be easily guessed by attackers. You can change the WPS PIN on your router's settings or by using a tool like WPSPIN, which is also included in Xiaopan OS.

Another way to protect your network from Reaver and other WPS attacks is to use a strong WPA / WPA2 passphrase. A strong passphrase is one that is long, complex, and random, and that is not based on any personal or common information. A strong passphrase can make it harder for attackers to crack it even if they obtain the WPS PIN. You can use a tool like Crunch or PWGen to generate a strong passphrase. 248dff8e21


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