Why ADSA Approved lighting?
The Australasian Dark Sky Alliance (ADSA) is dedicated to reducing light pollution. The ADSA Approved light fittings listed on this site, conform with dark sky principles specific to Australasian standards and guidelines including AS/NZS 4282:2019 and the Australian Federal National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife.
This list should be used as a tool for councils, designers and end-users who are looking at installing new lighting systems or upgrading existing lighting installations, that are considerate of the night sky, ecosystems, wildlife and human health and comfort.
What is an ADSA Approved Light Fitting?
There are three categories of ADSA Approval:

A luminaire delivering appropriate levels of performance for use in a dark sky friendly lighting designs
Upward Waste Light of 0%
≤3000K CCT
On/ Off control
Both individual values of Front and Back Very High Light (FVH & BVH) ≤2.0 %. ***

Human Sensitive
This is a higher level of luminaire management and performance providing even greater control over sky glow and associated light pollution as well as glare and other human factors.
Upward Waste Light of 0% when installed in the maximum adjusted up tilt angle. *
≤2700K CCT
In built control. **
Both individual values of Front and Back Very High Light (FVH & BVH) ≤1.0 % ***

Wildlife Sensitive
For areas where the sensitivities of the local wildlife and ecosystems take priority.
Upward Waste Light of 0% when installed in the maximum adjusted up tilt angle. *
Amber, PC Amber or Red LED chips
≤5000 delivered lumens
In built control. **
Both individual values of Front and Back Very High Light (FVH & BVH) ≤1.0 % ***
* Luminaires that are adjustable in the upward direction will have UWL assessed in their maximum up cast angle position.
** Acceptable control includes dimmable control gear, NEMA/ANSI C136.41 7-pin receptacle or Zhaga Book 18 Luminaire Extension Module enabled with dimming capabilities, built in motion sensors, bi-level switching/ variable forward current.
*** As defined by TM-15-11
Definition of a luminaire:
A luminaire may include a range or family of luminaires sharing the same body size and technology. If different wattages and outputs are available applicants must submit data based on the highest output they are seeking classification for ie. a luminaire may be assessed as only part of the available range. For example, ‘3000K version only’, ‘500mA version and below’ etc. If a different output option is using a different LED technology then this is considered a new luminaire range. For a luminaire family with different optics version, data must be submitted for each version seeking approval (note, application fee assumes 5 optic versions maximum, fittings submitting more than 5 optics versions may be subject to higher testing fee). If a luminaire is being submitted as only part of a range i.e. not all optic or output versions, this must clearly be stated on the application and only those particular versions may display the ADSA Approved logo.
ADSA Approvals are:
* different from the International Dark-Sky Association’s (IDA’s) Fixture Seal of Approval (FSA) program, complying specifically with Australasian legislation and guidelines. Luminaires that have been approved for the IDA’s FSA do not automatically achieve ADSA Approval and may apply for ADSA Approval at a discounted rate of 60% of the normal company registration fee.
* valid for 3 calendar years from the initial date of certification, or until a significant upgrade that would change performance characteristics of the luminaire.
* assessed on a pass or fail basis and no discussion will be entered into. Failing luminaires will be given a report on the criteria that led to failure so that they may address the shortcoming/s and reapply.
Supporting documentation required
LM80 report for LED chip/ board plus spectral power distribution for the chip if not included
CIE S 025/E or IES LM-79 08 photometric file for all versions of the luminaire family.
Technical data sheet for luminaire and for all relevant control gear (if not included in datasheet).
Further requirements for manufacturers:
In addition to being assessed against the ADSA criteria, participating manufacturers and suppliers must demonstrate a commitment to reducing light pollution.
ADSA ask for a company statement of commitment to the reduction of light pollution and the control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting. This may be through your mission statement, website links, articles, participation in community events etc.
Application Fees:
Company Registration for ADSA Certification is $1250 AUD. This one-time fee applies to all applications.
Company Registration for company already listed with International Dark-Sky Association - $675 AUD.
ADSA Approval is $350 AUD per luminaire family.
Still got questions?
Email our technical team technical@ausdarksky.org
ADSA Approved or
IDA Fixture Seal of Approval.
What's the difference?
The USA run on a 120-volt power grid and employ standards for luminaire fixtures that are specific to the US market. Australia is more closely aligned to the EU, using a 240-volt power grid and either adopting or aligning our standards to that of the EU. For this reason, fixtures that qualify under the IDA Fixture Seal of Approval (FSA) scheme are not relevant to Australia or many other regions around the globe.
ADSA deemed that any recommendations of luminaires as dark sky sensitive only addresses part of the problem and that this does not guarantee a good outcome. It is therefore important to ensure any such scheme ultimately ties back in to the universally agreed 5 principals of dark sky sensitive lighting- timing, direction, glare, spectral composition and shielding.

Key differences
· ADSA Approved attempts to address the timing principal of design by calling for ‘on board control’ at ADSA Prized and ADSA Wildlife levels.
· ADSA Approved does not target the residential market.
· ADSA approved tackles glare in a more detailed manner. This is an important attribute in Australia as street lighting standards do not adequately deal with threshold increments or high angle luminance.
· ADSA Approved goes beyond a minimum of 3000K to 2700K for ADSA Prized and low blue technologies for Wildlife.
Final Note
It is important to remember that any Fixture Approval Scheme is only a tool to help guide better decision in selecting appropriate luminaires for Dark Sky sensitive lighting. Regardless of their suitability, there is still the potential to misuse approved luminaires through incorrect aiming, over lighting, failing to utilise control etc. For this reason, ADSA recommends the use of an appropriately qualified lighting professional to ensure ADSA Approved fixtures are used in a manner to meet their full potential.