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On the point of the personal nature of some of these, ponder this for a moment: Even though the password itself may be nonsensical in isolation, the hint can disclose its purpose and inadvertently leak sensitive information about the account holder. Here are some pretty serious examples:

Malicious action - within the meaning of these Terms, these are: any actions or omissions that violate Internet ethics and / or harm persons connected or not connected to the Internet or associated networks; use, reproduce and copy content published on the Site for commercial purposes and for the benefit of third parties; sending junk mail (SPAM, JUNK MAIL); channel overflow (FLOOD); gaining access to resources through the use of foreign rights and passwords; use of system deficiencies for own benefit or information retrieval (HACK) for third parties; committing acts that may be defined as industrial espionage or sabotage; actions that can lead to damage or destruction of systems or information arrays (CRACK); sending "Trojan horses" or causing the installation of viruses or remote control systems; disrupting the normal operation of other Internet users and associated networks; committing any actions that may qualify as a crime or administrative violation within the meaning of Bulgarian law.

If your friends start receiving spam from your email address, your account has been hacked. Once a hacker accesses your account, she can use it to spam your mailing list or pose as you to try to get money out of your friends. If you use the same password for multiple accounts, she may be able to access them and wreak further havoc.

Hackers collect most passwords through trickery. Phishing -- sending an email telling you to click on a link and update your account information -- is a highly successful tactic. Sometimes the phishing email directs you to a "spoof" website that looks identical to legitimate email sites such as Yahoo, AOL or Gmail, to make it easier to fool you. The best way to block phishing and spoofing is never to sign in or enter account information through an email link. Type the URL or click on your bookmark instead.

Having Wi-Fi available in bookstores, libraries and coffee shops is convenient, but it's also risky. Many wireless hotspots don't have secure networks, so anything you do online is visible to hackers on the network, unless the site you visit uses HTTPS encryption for security. Financial websites use HTTPS, but most email systems don't. If you go online at a hotspot, don't use your email or log in to any unsecured site if you don't want to give away information.

Opening an email attachment is a serious security breach if you don't know what the attachment contains. Email by itself is harmless, but hackers use attachments and downloads to embed viruses on your computer. The virus then accesses data or tracks your logins to gather information for its creator. Alternatively, it can simply hack in to your email and start sending spam mail using your account. Exercising care with attachments is the simplest way to prevent this.

If you fear that you've been hacked despite your precautions, check your email "Sent" box regularly to see if your account has sent mail without your approval. Update your virus software regularly and have it scan your computer for problems. If your computer runs slowly, check whether some program is using an abnormal amount of energy or processing power: This is often a sign of a virus that has survived attempts to purge it from the system.

A graduate of Oberlin College, Fraser Sherman began writing in 1981. Since then he's researched and written newspaper and magazine stories on city government, court cases, business, real estate and finance, the uses of new technologies and film history. Sherman has worked for more than a decade as a newspaper reporter, and his magazine articles have been published in "Newsweek," "Air & Space," "Backpacker" and "Boys' Life." Sherman is also the author of three film re


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